Another win for Luna Rossa over Swiss team Alinghi Red Bull Racing

The cloudy day, with occasional rain showers, did not affect the fourth day of Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robins, thanks to the 10-12 knot easterly winds on the course. The match race was closely followed by numerous Sunday spectators on shore and on the water, among which many Italians who showed up to support Luna Rossa. Their expectations were not disappointed, thanks to a solid victory over Alinghi that allowed the Italian challenger to add another important point to the board of these elimination rounds.

Luna Rossa and Alinghi crossed the starting line at the same moment, but a few seconds after the start the Italian boat forced the Swiss to tack and extended to the left side of the course, gaining a marginal lead that was enough to round the first gate 4 seconds ahead. Downwind, Luna Rossa picked up speed, and the distance with her opponents increased proportionally, resulting in an 11-second lead at gate 2. From that point onwards, Alinghi was unable to close the gap, leaving the Italians with the task of simply sailing correctly on all the wind shifts, avoiding mistakes, and blocking any attempt to comeback from their opponents as they brought home another solid victory in this Louis Vuitton Cup.
Winner: ITA (+1)

Luna Rossa's crew today featured Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni at the helm, with Umberto Molineris and Andrea Tesei as trimmers. The cyclors were Enrico Voltolini, Bruno Rosetti, Cesare Gabbia and Emanuele Liuzzi.
Watch races live on www.lunarossachallenge.com