First sailing day for the Italian challenger’s new AC75

The expectations for the first - highly anticipated - sailing day of the new AC75 Luna Rossa did not disappoint: despite the weather conditions that were less than ideal, the boat completed its first sea trial session.
Three days after the April 13 launch, the team carried out the tow-test without mast and sails to check the hull structure and all instruments and control systems. With a green light from engineers and technicians, Luna Rossa first sailed today in the waters off Cagliari.
Conditions had a tense mistral blowing at around 20 to 25 knots that did not allow the team to sail for long, but the hours spent on the water were nevertheless enough for some first impressions of the 'silver bullet'.
«Today is day zero for our AC75», said Max Sirena, Skipper and Team Director of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli. «It was an exciting day for me, for the shore crew, for those who built the boat and, in general, for the whole team. Even though we didn't sail that much, it was nice to be able to hoist the sails and fly on the foils. I would say our first impression is very positive. Our aim is to be back out on the water early tomorrow morning to find better conditions and continue with our program».
«The conditions were not ideal», explains Francesco "Checco" Bruni, one of Luna Rossa's helmsmen, «but we managed to do some important checks, to see the geometry of the sails, to clear a series of operations that we had planned and to do a general check of the boat. We also sailed a bit on the foils, both starboard and port tack. I am very happy with this first day. We are hoping for better conditions tomorrow that will allow us to push harder».
For the first time on board an America's Cup boat, cyclor Bruno Rosetti did not conceal his excitement: «It was really nice to finally get on board and put into practice everything I have learned over the years and during training. We didn't push or pedal at full speed today, but it was enough to understand the beauty and complexity of this boat».